February, 2007
In order to bring uniformity, the criteria for evaluating typed-scripts of typewriting test in English/Hindi have been notified.
Typewriting errors and number of corresponding mistakes
If the following types of mistakes are committed: One mistake each time
1.Paragraph indenting (5 spaces for each paragraph)
2.Overlapping/piling up of letters (faulty shifting)
3.Overtyping/’X’ing of word or even full line
4.Mis-spelt word including transposition
5.Omission or commission (in case of commission, it will be counted towards number of strokes in evaluation)
6.Erasing is not allowed
7.Repetition of any number of words (only once to be counted as mistake)
8.Each repeated mistake
9.Punctuation marks (Omission)
10.Wrong syllabification/irregular division of words, if there is any variation than as suggested hereunder:
Precaution (pre-cau-tion); Separating prefixes or suffixes
Words having double consonants (like suc-cess);
Compound words (like under-estimated)
If the following types of mistakes are committed: Half a mistake each time
1. Irregular line spacing/irregular left margin/highly irregular right margin
2. Omission of space between words
3. Extra space in middle of the word
4. Capital letter errors (only in English)
5. Considered as mistake each time when the difference in space as detailed hereunder is not followed:
Full stop: 2 spaces; Question mark: 2 spaces; Exclamatory mark: 2 spaces; Comma mark: 1 space; Colon/Semi-colon mark: 1 space;
Hyphen (beginning and after): No space
Mistakes of the following nature have to be treated as mentioned against each:
1. Incomplete last word of the passage: No mistake
2. Mechanical error or machine mistakes: Can be ignored
3. Extra space between words: Ignore
4. Erasing: Not permissible
Scheme of test
a) Qualifying speed for English typewriting test: 30 words per minute
b) Qualifying speed for Hindi typewriting test: 25 words per minute
c) Duration of typewriting test on manual typewriter: 10 minutes
c) Question paper should be set up by a professional
Formula for calculating speed
Number of words minus number of mistakes divided by 10
Number of strokes minus number of mistakes divided by 50
[CSIR Lr.No.7-4(3)/2006-R&A dt. 12-3-2007]
The Scheme for providing financial assistance to the CSIR employees for meeting medical expenses incurred for undergoing treatment for major illness in the private recognized hospitals over and above the amount admissible under CS (MA) Rules, 1944/CGHS Rules from CSIR Welfare Fund has been extended for a further period of three years up to 13-12-2009.
[CSIR Lr.No.14(38)/98-E.II dt. 13-3-2007]
The Governing Body, CSIR at its 168th meeting held on 8-12-2007 has approved the constitution and powers and functions to be given to the Recruitment & Assessment Board to enable it to devise its own procedures in respect of recruitment and assessment to be conducted by the Board as detailed hereunder:
1. Chairperson, RAB
- to be appointed by the President, CSIR
2. An Eminent Scientist -- Member
- a sitting member of Governing Body, CSIR
3. One Co-Chairperson -- Member
- from the Panel of Co-Chairpersons approved by the VP, CSIR
4. Senior Director of a CSIR Lab./Instt. -- Member
5. Chairman, Recruitment &Assessment Centre (DRDO)/
Chairman, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board -- Member
6. Head, RAB, CSIR -- Convener
.. Members of the Board are to be appointed/nominated by the VP, CSIR ..
The term of the Board shall be three years from the date of its constitution.
Powers & Functions
1. The Board may from time to time review and devise its own procedures for recruitment and assessment in conformity with the provisions of CSIR Scientists Recruitment & Assessment Promotion Rules, 2001 (CSRAP Rules)
2. The Board may constitute Assessment committees from time to time and may suggest ways and means to over-come operational difficulties to DG, CSIR. The prevailing recruitment process which is operational through RAB may be modified with the approval of the GB.
3. Chairman RAB may take a decision in the exigencies of work with regard to recruitment and assessment of Scientists which is required to be taken by RAB, and the same may has to be got ratified by circulation/convening a special meeting of the Board within two weeks. The decision, however, should not be at variance with the provisions of CSRAP Rules.
4. RAB may consider cases of assessment of Scientists who are under cloud as per the existing CSIR Rules/Procedures.
5. RAB may discuss and suggest its budgetary and logistic recruitments to DG, CSIR for consideration.
[CSIR Lr.No.7-14(2)/2006-R&A dt. 13-3-2007]
It has been decided to permit drawal of advance from the GPF for pilgrimage or visiting places of eminence of all religions. Since it is not possible to specify places in India and abroad keeping in view the diversity of religions, the authorities vested with the power of sanctioning advance may satisfy themselves that the place proposed to be visited is a pilgrimage place or a place of religious eminence.
Other conditions regarding grant of advance from GPF will also apply.
[GOI DOP&PW O.M.No.13/1/06-P&PW(F) dt. 20-11-2006; Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 13]
A Circular containing the rates of deduction of Income Tax from the payment of income chargeable under the head “Salaries” during the Financial Year 2006-07 and explains certain related provisions of the IT Act, 1961. The relevant Acts, Rules, Forms and Notifications are available at the website of the IT Department.
The above circular also consists of the following examples of calculating Income Tax for the assessment year 2007-08:
i) In the case of a male employee having gross salary income of (a) Rs.2,00,000/-, (b) Rs.5,00,000; and Rs.10,00,000/-
ii) In the case of a male employee assessee having a handicapped dependant
iii) In the case of a male employee where medical treatment expenditure was borne by the employer
iv) Illustrative calculation of House Rent Allowance under Section 19 (13-A) in respect of residential accommodation situated in Delhi in case of a female employee and calculation of total income and tax payable thereon
v) Illustrating valuation of perquisite and calculation of tax in the case of a male employee of a private company in Mumbai who was provided accommodation in a flat at concessional rate for ten months in a hostel for two months and computation of total income and tax paid thereon
vi) Illustrating valuations of perquisite and calculation of tax in the case of a female employee of a private company posted at Delhi and repaying House Building loan and computation of total income and tax payable thereon
vii) Income Tax calculation in the case of a male employee who claims loss under the head income from house property
viii) Income Tax calculation in the case of a male employee who claims loss under the head Income from self-occupied house property, and has taken house building loan before 1-4-1999 and computation of taxable income and tax thereon
ix) Income Tax calculation in the case of a male pensioner who is more than 65 years of age
[GOI CBDT Circular No. 11/2006 F. No. 275/192/2006-IT(B) dt. 16-11-2006; Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 13-54]
The procedure for reimbursement of expenses on purchase/replacement/repaid/ adjustment of Hearing Aid in respect of CGHS beneficiaries and the beneficiaries covered under CS (MA) Rules, 1944 has been detailed hereunder:
The digital hearing aid can be procured on the recommendation of 2 ENT Surgeons of a two different Govt. hospitals who have facilities to audiometric assessment and have all performed their independent audiological assessment and an undertaking to be submitted by the Govt. servant that he/she has not been reimbursed a digital hearing aid in the preceding five years.
The special circumstances for procuring digital hearing aid should include: (a) moderate to severe sensory neural hearing loss and aided speech discrimination score which cannot be improved to 70% by use of analog hearing aid; and (b) sharply sloping audiogram seen on Pure Tone Audiometry inverted V audiogram or U shaped audiogram involving 2000 Hz.
Factors like the age of the patient/educational or work requirement and bilateral congenital losses can also be taken into consideration by the prescribing Surgeons for prescribing hearing aids based on digital technology. The request for the procurement of digital hearing aid need not be put up to the Standing Committee.
The technical expert competent to condemn a hearing aid after 5 years would be the Service Engineer of the authorized Hearing Aid Centre/Dealer. The above certificate would be required to be countersigned by the ENT Surgeon of a Govt. Hospital.
[GOI MH&FW O.M.No.S.14025/10/2002-MS dt. 17-11-2006; Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 55-56]
Family pension to widow/divorced daughters is admissible irrespective of the fact that the divorce/widowhood takes place after attaining the age of 25 years or before, subject to other conditions being satisfied.
[GOI DOP&PW O.M.No.1/19/03-P&PW(E) dt. 11-10-2006; Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 58-59]
The following are the salient points of the amendments that were brought to Rule 10 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 under “Commercial Employment after Retirement”:
i) Accepting commercial employment before the expiry of “one” (instead of two) year;
ii) In granting or refusing permission to a pensioner for taking up any commercial employment, the Govt. shall have regard to the following:
a) Whether a ‘No Objection’ for the proposed post-retirement commercial employment has been obtained from the cadre controlling authority and from the Office where the Officer retired;
b) Whether the Officer has been privy to sensitive or strategic information in the last three years of his service which is directly related to the areas of interest or work of the organization which he proposes to join or the areas in which he proposes to practice or consult;
c) Whether there is conflict of interest between the policies of the Office he has held in the last three years and the interest represented or work undertaken by the organization he proposes to join. The term ‘conflict of interest’ shall not include normal economic competition with the Govt. or its undertakings.
d) Whether the organization he proposes to join has been known to be in any way in conflict with or prejudicial to India’s foreign relations, national security and domestic harmony and whether the organization’s undertaking any for intelligence gathering;
e) Whether service record of the Officer is clear, particularly with respect to integrity and dealings with non-Govt. organizations;
f) Whether the proposed emoluments and pecuniary benefits are far in excess of those currently prevailing in the Industry. The term ‘far in excess’ shall not be construed as to cover increase in such benefit that may be a result of buoyancy in Industry or in the economy as a whole.
g) Any other relevant factor.
Further, the following changes were made in Form 25 “Application for permission to Central Services Officers to accept commercial employment within a period of one (instead of two) year”:
i) Serial No.7, clause (c): Whether the Officer had during the last three years of his Official career, any dealings with the firm or company or Co-op. Society, etc.
ii) Declaration under Serial No.9 has been substituted:
I hereby declare that:
(a) The employment, which I propose to take up, will not involve activities prejudicial to India’s foreign relations, national security and domestic harmony. It will not involve conflict of interest with the policies of the Office held by me during the last three years and the interest represented or work undertaken by the organization I propose to join will not bring me into conflict with the working of the Govt.
(b) I have not been privy to sensitive or strategic information in the last three years of service, which is directly related to the areas of interest or work of the organization that I propose to join or to the areas in which I propose to practise or consult.
(c) My service record is clear, particularly with respect to integrity and dealings with Non-Govt. Organizations.
(d) I agree to withdraw from the commercial employment in case of any objection by the Govt.
Accordingly, the Form 25 has to be re-drawn and used.
[GOI DOPT O.M.No.27012/1/2006-Estt.(A() dt. 23-11-2006; Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 59-61]
As per GID (10) below Rule 11 “Penalties” of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, the award of Censure will have its bearing on the assessment of merit of suitability for promotion to higher posts.
[Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 108]
It is clarified in O.M.No.4-24/96-C&P/CGHS (P) dated 17-9-1999 that the medical facilities will continue to be available to sons who are dependent on the Govt. employee/pensioner irrespective of their age.
[Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 111]
According to FR 22 (I) (a) (1), when an employee is appointed/promoted to another post carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance whether in his own Department or another Department, his initial pay in the higher scale should be fixed at the stage next above the notionally arrived pay by increasing one notional increment in the lower post.
[Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 112]
As per Rule 59 (1) (b) (iii) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, the audit authority can verify particulars of pay only for a period of two years prior to retirement and not beyond. This is mainly with an intention to see that the incumbent will not put to loss on account of verification of fixation of his pay.
[Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 114]
No specific procedure is prescribed for reconstruction of lost Service Book by the Office. On the basis of original certificates of educational qualifications, age, etc. obtained from the employee and available copies of letters/orders relating to individual’s service/career, Service Book can be reconstructed. The individual can also file a statement indicating the date of entry into service, post, Office, etc. and also details of various promotions in his career. Since the pay Bill Register and related schedules are to be preserved for 35 years, the details furnished by the employee can be got verified with the Offices in which the individual might have served from time to time.
Interestingly, Rule 257 of GFR stipulates that the Service Book of a Govt. servant should be maintained in duplicate and one copy should be given to the concerned Govt. employee for his safe custody.
[Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 115-116]
HRA is admissible to Govt. servant sharing the accommodation with the original allottee. However, in terms of para 5 (c) (i), HRA is not admissible in cases where a Govt. servant shares Govt. accommodation allotted Rent-free to another Govt. servant.
[Swamysnews, Jan. 2007, 117]